About us
Pramonines metalo konstrukcijos Ltd. was founded in Kaunas in 2010. Our company specializes in production and processing of industrial metal structures. We develop our business in Lithuania with strong focus on export to other European countries. Boasting high production capacities, our company is ready to accommodate the needs of any client.
High quality of workmanship is the result of professionally competent expert staff with extensive hands-on experience in the field.
Our reliability is evidenced by fair partnership with Lithuanian and foreign suppliers as well as strict compliance with international requirements.
Pramonines metalo konstrukcijos Ltd. offers integrated solutions: design, production and installation of metal structures.
Metal structures for industrial and public buildings: columns, ties, beams, girders, tanks, platforms, etc.
We specialize in production of customized articles from stainless and carbon steel according to clients' project designs.
Maximum production capacities
- Our company operates in 6000 m² premises well-equipped for production and processing of metal structures.
- Metal structure output: 400 t/month.
- Cleaning of metal elements/structures: up to SA-2.5 class of cleanliness, 6000 m²/month.
- Priming, painting of metal elements/structures: 5000 m²/month.
- Maximum overall dimensions of an article for in-factory assembly: 110 m x 16 m x 8 m.
- Article weight for overhead crane lifting: max 25 t.
- Overall dimensions for transportation: max 70 t (weight), 4 m (height), 10 m (width).
Production of metal structures and metalwork processing are performed by our team of professionals. Each team member is responsible for his field of expertise, making the best use of own experience and individual abilities. Qualified engineering personnel strictly comply with international specifications and standards to ensure quality and timely execution of works.
The production of products is carried out based on the technical requirements according to LST EN 1090-2. The production control system was evaluated by the accredited certification company VšĮ "Euromatas"
Production premises are equipped with air ventilation and other facilities for safe operations using metal processing equipment. We follow all occupational safety and health regulations to ensure safety and sound health for all our employees.
Independent experts
Metal processing works are subject to strict control under international requirements for our clients to be 100 % confident of high quality service.

Standards introduced into our company
- LST EN 1090-2 Technical requirements for steel structures, production control
- LST EN ISO 12944:2000 Paints and varnishes The standard governs corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems
- LST EN ISO 3834-2:2007 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Comprehensive quality requirements
- Norsok M-501 Requirements for surface preparation and protective coating
- LST EN 287-1 Requirements for fusion welding
- LST EN ISO 8501 Requirements for metallic surface cleaning up to class SA-2.5 cleanliness
- EN ISO 1461:2009 Requirements for hot dip galvanization
- ISO 2063:2005 standard determining specifications for thermal spraying, metallic and other inorganic coatings, zinc, aluminium and their alloys
- LST EN 1090-2:2008+A1 and LST EN 13920 standards defining quality requirements for metalwork cut using oxyfuel and plasma cutters
- EN 10051:1991+A1:1997 Standard specifying tolerances on dimensions and shape for continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels
- EN 10131:1991 Standard specifying tolerances on dimensions and shape for cold-rolled uncoated low carbon and high yield strength steel flat products for cold forming
- LST EN 10143:2000 Standard specifying the requirements for tolerances on dimensions and shape of continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip.
We are proud to work with true professionals in our industry as our suppliers of premium raw materials: state budgetary institution Azovlitas Ltd., Lytagra JSC, Serfas Ltd., Melesta Ltd., Gaschema (Achema JSC branch), Ryval Ltd., Arc Weld Ltd., Jolinta IĮ, AGA Ltd., EMELITA Ltd., Elme Metall Lithuania Ltd., ThyssenKrupp Energostal S.A. We are proud to offer our clients reliable and durable solutions in industrial metal structures made of the premium materials on the market.